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Module 1 - Introduction
You Have What it Takes to Raise Money (0:33)
Take Your Seat at the Table (0:20)
Welcome (0:53)
Module 2 - Do I Need Funding? If So, How Much?
Do I need Funding? (0:48)
The Importance of Cash Flow (0:50)
Valuation (Part 1) (1:07)
Valuation (Part 2) (0:47)
What am I giving up? (0:43)
Module 3 - What Funding Sources are Available?
Who Controls the Money? (0:25)
What is an Angel Investor? (0:43)
What is Venture Capital? (0:44)
Should I Avoid Venture Capital? (0:28)
What is Crowdsourcing? (1:08)
Should I Ask Friends and Family? (0:49)
What if I Don't Have a Wealthy Network? (0:35)
What are the Benefits of a Pitch Competition? (0:53)
How Receiving Feedback can be a Game Changer (1:28)
Module 4 - What Funding Source is Right for Me?
How do I Choose the Right Funding Option? (1:50)
How do I Receive Feedback? (1:57)
Am I Asking Too Many Questions? (0:39)
Module 5 - Am I Ready to Raise Growth Capital?
How Do I know If I'm ready to Raise Capital? (0:55)
The Truth About Raising Funds (1:15)
Am I Prepared to Raise Capital? (0:21)
How do I Ask for Help? (1:10)
Can I Outsource My Numbers? (1:13)
How do Investors Think? (0:59)
What if I'm Still Afraid of the Numbers? (0:53)
Module 6 - What Materials do I Need to Raise Capital?
Can I Learn This? (0:21)
How to Win? Always Work in Excellence (1:08)
The Importance of An Accurate Response (1:56)
The Importance of Showing Your Work (0:31)
The Importance of Detailed Financial Models (0:36)
Your Financial Model is a Living Breathing Model (1:01)
How do I Build a Financial Model? (1:00)
Know Your Numbers. Period. (0:29)
What do I Need to do Before Drafting Documents? (0:34)
What if I Have a Messy Cap Table? (1:22)
Fundraising Documents (0:48)
Module 7 - How Do I Find and Build Relationships with Investors?
What are Investors Looking For? (0:59)
Where Are the Investors? (0:43)
How do I Approach Investors? (1:05)
You've Met an Investor, Now What? Building Relationships (2:15)
The Importance of Always Being Impressive (0:35)
What if My Emails Aren't Answered? (1:06)
Preparing for Investors (1:28)
Holding Investors Attention (0:32)
What if I'm Unprepared for Investors? (0:48)
The Dangers of a Premature Meeting (0:59)
Module 8 - What do I do In the Investor Meeting?
How Do I Best Prepare for the Meeting? (1:40)
How do I Manage my Weaknesses? (1:31)
How Do I Speak Investor Language? (0:41)
Module 9 - Hot Topics and Conclusion
Investors Behaving Badly (2:01)
Can't Change Discrimination (1:49)
Additional Resources (0:35)
Congrats (0:19)
Should I Avoid Venture Capital?
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